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  1. Cap Capello

    Earthquake in the Northeast

    We're about 180 miles north of the epicenter. My wife's building in Albany shook pretty hard. I was 26 miles north of her and didn't feel anything. Lots of local chatter about it. It made me laugh a little. Coming back to the northeat after 17 years in Southern Cal, riding out three 7+...
  2. Cap Capello

    What year did you start DJ'ing?

    1979 part-time working clubs. Went full-time in 1984, and that's been my sole employment. I did have a successful BOSE dealership too, until they screwed me for the third (and final) time so I slammed the door on it.
  3. Cap Capello

    your time will come

    Yes, a lot of the top 40 is crap BUT the dancing crowds pretty nuch feel the same way, and when great dance music from any generation or genre is laid on them, the reponse it just as it was 5, 10, 15, 25 years ago; party time on the dance floor. I take as much music choice control out of the...
  4. Cap Capello

    DJ Expo 2023

    Thank you. This one I'd like to go to.
  5. Cap Capello

    DJ Expo 2023

    What's in Boston in December?
  6. Cap Capello

    How many songs in your travelling library?

    We've just started. We have a Funnybone Comedy Club in Albany. We saw Brad Upton a few months ago, and this past Saturday, we saw Ismo. Both were/are gut busting, side splitting, hilariously talented comedians.
  7. Cap Capello

    Anyone joining the class action?

    To me, these sites were no more than throwing a small amount of red meat into a large pit of hungry dogs. It seems as though their longevity has been signing as many ignorant newbies and holding them until they figured out the advertizing tax write off was not worth the cash outlay and resulting...
  8. Cap Capello

    How many songs in your travelling library?

    I have been VJing for almost a decade so my mp4 videos outnumber my mp3 audios. As of this post, I currently have and bring to every event table 27,987 music videos. All four of my roadshow laptops have 6tb of internal SSD storage, so there's no concern over space nor speed. I love my VDJ...
  9. Cap Capello

    Retirement, picking very select gigs

    Shall we agree to dissagree? I think Tunes spoke accurately.
  10. Cap Capello

    Has anyone actually retired??

    To me, retiring means leaving the job/profession you've been working full time that has provided an on ongoing sustentance, paid the bills, provided for the "golden years", and beyond. If you're a school teacher, letter carrier, fork lift driver, etc, and DJ as a suppliment to your income as...
  11. Cap Capello

    Introducing Vern Reeve

    Welcome to the forum, Vernon. Jump in or just get your toes wet. Either way, with an exception or two, there are some fine people here.
  12. Cap Capello

    How's the weather?

    It's 2° F at 5:30pm Friday, February 3rd, and heading for an expected low of -14° F by midnight; wind chill factors will push the temperature further down to be at or near -35° F. Sunday, we go back up to what will seem like a balmy 42° F. Stay safe everyone.
  13. Cap Capello

    Enclosed trailer owners... Question for you

    Like many mentioned above, I used a trailer for 15-20 years. IF I should ever decide I need another, some things I would either repeat/add-on: 1) order direct from the manufacturer to include maximum insulation in the walls, ceiling, AND the floor box (crucial for cold & wintry climates such as...
  14. Cap Capello

    Our 5000th member

    Welcome. I do not believe sharing a mix violates any ODJT rules, but maybe other entities might take a dimmer view.
  15. Cap Capello

    Will I have enough sound for a parade?

    I handle a local holiday parade every year in late November. We provide voice gear for a commentator, celebrity co-host, and the mayor for the tree lighting, as well as a TV feed for a local TV channel. This is all fed wirelessly into two Bose L1 M2 w/B2 bass modules located across the street...
  16. Cap Capello

    New Honda EU 3200i generator

    I was making a suggestion to assist those who prefer the lowest price as opposed to the highest quality. I've been using the Honda EU series for at least 10 years. The key for the longest life of any brand is non-ethanol gas. That is an inarguable fact.
  17. Cap Capello

    New Honda EU 3200i generator

    Harbor Freight has been running some sales on their knock-off versions of the Honda inverter style portable generators. I scrutinized the specs, and they are strikingly similar, however until I see one in action, skepticism abounds.
  18. Cap Capello

    How do you carry your uplights?

    Plastic crates from U-line. 4 lights per crate. 10 of them.
  19. Cap Capello

    External HD's

    I know you know what you're doing but I would suggest having three identical drives. Update one to the other but not the third. When you update again update the third but not the second. Sometimes it's possible to copy clone update a corrupt file and sometimes that's hard to recover. So at...
  20. Cap Capello

    External HD's

    Have you tried that external with a different computer? What kind of results?
  21. Cap Capello

    DMX Have an uplighting question

    I have my four Color Strips set to 3 channel and addressed to 292, 300, 308, and 316. Works fine with the PFX.
  22. Cap Capello

    Projection screens

    Elite Screens Manual B, 100-INCH... We bought this one for our family room if portability isn't needed. Install a couple of clips, then bring it in when not being used.
  23. Cap Capello

    DMX Have an uplighting question

    Easy peazy device to access and change colors for all your lights BUT can go into audio controlled lighting effects with the flip of a switch or two. No DMX knowledge needed.
  24. Cap Capello

    Projection screens

    Here's a good one. A similar, but no longer available brand, was purchased in 2015 and is still in perfect condition. I use it for backyard family movie nights, Super Bowl parties, and once in a great great while, event slide shows where no other screens are available and the customer is willing...