Who can create me a Game Show Mania Poster sorta quickly??

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New DJ
Feb 6, 2007
Northern Minnesota
I have got some ideas on what I would like...but I need someone who is fairly intelligent on helping me out.

Pm me for my number, or give me yours, and I will let you know what I am looking for.

BTW...It will be a fairly simple poster, I am just not that great at organizing it!

I could use this by Friday!!



I'm gonna send an email your way from a local compadre who runs GSM. See if you can get on his newsletter list. :)
Email sent. :)

We're not into GSM but John sends the newsletter anyway. I don't have weeknights free to do it.

John's been doing GSM for a few years now and has expanded all over the area. If anyone can tell you about GSM, it's John.
Fred...how can I get a Poster??

I would like to have a when/where etc etc poster for these places that are ready to rock and roll.


BTW..that newsletter was very insightful!
OK, I'll be the dummy... GSM???


Game Show Mania...

DJMN: Why not post your when where and what time info directly here along with website information and a clear idea of what you need... then I'm sure one of us would be willing to work something up... heck you could make a pretty decent poster in MS Publisher even MS Word....
Since that was no takers right away, I contacted a friend, and we went over the plans tonight. He should have a rough draft..or if he is good, a final copy of what we went over.

Thanks anyways!