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I like them like that! so when drunk people fall down, They can still enjoy some Tasty BASS! Man i wish I could photoshop someone passed out in front of those scoops! Or a cat with it tail up in the air! thats what we need a photoshop contest with this pic!

I used to be the KID that would sit right in front of that cabinet for the whole show,,,,,, HUH? what was that,,,, I tell my kids all of the time,,,, I have a built in limiter in my head now from the days gone by,,,,, remember the sticker that said "if its too loud, Your too OLD" Now that i am old ,,,, nothing is too LOUD. Not even LOUD is too LOUD!

loudest concert was ZEBRA! at Grant Street hall,,,,, had to be in the upper 140's all night.

Ears rang for three days!
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The loudest one I remember ever seeing (in a pretty small venue, compared to some of the arena shows I saw), was Gary Moore. Great band, good music, hard to enjoy when your ears are on the verge of hemmoraging.

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