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This looks a lot like the rig Minty Fresh DJ uses in Scottsdale AZ, for his own HS's prom every year.

Not too many schools can afford this type of event. In our area, there are a handful of schools with enrollment large enough to have an inflated prom budget.

My daughter's HS, for example, has an enrollment of 900 students......their prom DJ budget? $500!
Am I missing something? I don't even see what you guys are talking about! Where are the pics?!
Am I missing something? I don't even see what you guys are talking about! Where are the pics?!
Links are bad, this thread has come back from the grave. Time to go shoot the grounds keeper yorofl:yorofl:yorofl:yorofl:yorofl:yorofl:
Am I missing something? I don't even see what you guys are talking about! Where are the pics?!

Click this link... watch the video. This is Val's setup.

BTW, IMO, she used to have a MUCH better video... with lots of time advance and different music.
Oh got it. How the he** did I end up being the first person to reply to a three year old thread?! My apologies! Yes I know Val's rig well!
Hank, that's not so bad.

The setup isn't that complicated and it's mostly conventional fixtures and such. You have to be willing to travel - because, as you say there's a need to find the budgets that make it worth your while to truck all that stuff around. The setup is not nearly as bad as the storage and transportation needs.

There are more efficient ways to do the sound that involve less cabinets, but doing it this way makes a really great visual impression and doesn't waste your money on cutting edge technology that isn't needed.

There have been a number of people doing that here in New England, most successfully with the colleges, rather than High Schools. The coverage area is wide - they could easily be at Colby in Maine on Friday and at NYU or Salve In RI on Saturday.