Advertising Strategies for 2012. Wheres the hype?

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New DJ
Feb 6, 2007
Northern Minnesota
As we hit our 7th year into the dj entertainment busy we embark on getting our services marketed appropriately.

We have considered several sources to enhance our visibility to the general public, however we would like some advice as to where the best marketing should be done.

Now that 2012 is right around the corner, we are revamping our business plan, and we are getting our business plan goals in place.

What advice would you recommend?

I see you are not up to date with the news. The world ends in 2012 so please enjoy and have a blast yorofl: go out with a bang!!!
Every market has it's own way of finding services but the standards today are social networking, websites and word of mouth/face to face contact. Do your reasearch in your market and find what works best.....

Good marketing isn't about how much you can spend it's about how much you can get out there
I'm keeping away from print next year. Doing a couple of bridal shows, but they bring in just a couple of weddings. Might go radio spots.
I did a radio spot the first year I started. However, I am considering hitting a bigger target market with a bigger radio station with more listeners. I need to do more research before I decide to do so, its on the burner list as of right now.
Think about marketing in three ways:

1. Informing audience of who you are. (shotgun approach)
2. Getting initial contact (tighter target)
3. Super serving potential clients (single shot rifle)
4. Maintaining a long lasting relationship with them. (laser focus)

1. Will make people aware of your company and what you do. This is a cold lead and will not necessarily buy from you and most likely will be looking for the lowest price.
2. This will be another lead from an outside source and can be a warm lead: venue manager, photographer, etc. This is a warm lead and will negotiate for a package that included expertise and a higher price.
3. This is where you'll reap the rewards of the first two contacts. If you get a shopper converted to a client and you do a great job for them, they refer to you new business.
4. Stay in contact with them beyond the event. They will continue to refer clients to you (hot leads) because you maintain top of mind awareness over a number of years!

Works for me!!

Here is a tip we have used since day one:
"Points of Contact"
You make points of contact thru all types of events and places like Church, say you meet a wedding coordinator, we will call her Sandy. You see Sandy at your kids soccer game, point of contact. Then you run into Sandy at the Wine store, another point of contact.

Strive for six or seven "points of contact" and you will become Sandy's DJ exclusively.

Simple really but has worked flawlessly for us. Try it!

I think that paid, targeted search engine marketing could have a great return on investement. You would just have to be careful with your bid prices.