OK, Website help...website inside a website.

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DJ Cam

New DJ
Oct 20, 2006
Pittsburgh, PA
I don't know how to word it to find the answer on goolge.

I have a website. I want to create a page that I can either direct imediatly to another website or create a window with another wesite.

In example putting my Facebook or myspace page on my website.

People go to my karaokepittsburgh site and my myspace would come up.

Basically I'm looking for the code i need with a (Insert web address here) and I just paste to my webpublisher.
At the bottom of the <head> section...

<META HTTP-EQUIV="Refresh" CONTENT="1; URL=http://www.YourDomain.com/">

Thank Rick he gave me the code a couple of weeks ago
nope because its all flash i left all errors for me sorry
Google won't necessarily punish you for the frames.

Maybe you're correct. However, I was consistently ranking in the top 2-3 DJs in my area, changed about 3-4 of my menu options to use frame to display pictures from picasa, videos from youtube, facebook, and wordpress. About a week later I completely disappeared from all google searches in Nashville and Hendersonville (my local town, just outside of Nashville). It stayed gone until about a week after I took frames back out. Now, I show up in Hendersonville but still not Nashville.

just sayin
must be the way you had it set - thats why you have to be real sure its done correctly